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This was painted in rather a desperate moment (probably more than a moment) on my journey. Luckily I can't remember the circumstances and apparently didn't journal about it.

It is the 7 of Fire in Lane's Greenwitch Tarot:

It takes courage to move through the surrender and letting go of the 5 and 6 of Fire ["Family Tree" and "Last Period"] into the wild chaos of the void. To trust that your magical steed will carry you through the flames. To listen with your antlers for the guiding messages that Star Elders, Little People, Fairies and Archangels are broadcasting to you. To recognize and honor the Ancestors and Allies who are all around you. To allow the world to see the birth star on your chest and the coded messages inscribed on your palm. To scream and howl as you reach towards the illusive orb of your Soul’s wisdom and understanding of your mission.

How do you cope with these moments? What fears must you face? What Allies are nearby to call upon? Can you let yourself go into this phase without knowing the outcome? There are riches there for you if you can just go with it. Even when it seems impossible.