I have been using Tarot cards since 1996 as a means of tuning in for a sense of what is going on in my own and other’s personal climates. This is divination, not fortune telling – a way of using visual images to intuit what the Higher Self can tell us about this moment in time and how we might move forward with our lives.

I do private session at my home or yours for $60 for an hour+ reading. I also have a regular booth at Manzanita Farmers Market on Fridays May - September from 4-7pm . At Market I do 3 card sessions, 10-15 minutes for $20.

I have a variety of decks to choose from, including Shining Tribe, MotherPeace, Gaian Tarot, Inner Child, Four Elements, Herbal Tarot and the classic Rider Waite/ Pamela Smith Deck. And now my own deck!

I sometimes teach workshops on request to help people learn to use the tarot for themselves. Feel free to CONTACT ME for a session or to find out about workshops.