Chi Drum
February 2000
Acrylics on Paper
16” x 24”
More puns and riddles.
After painting Hierogamus (Sacred Marriage), it seemed important to paint the drum. To explore and maybe come to understand what was calling to me. The ankh is the Egyptian symbol for life and very close to the modern female symbol for Venus and female. The ankh hieroglyph also means mirror – a pun that the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics are full of. I look deep into myself and stand as a woman next to the drumming male. Recently (2006) Tom has taken to using “Qi” as a moniker. It’s the modern Chinese spelling for Chi, the study of which is a key has been a key to understanding his own soul. Does the snake tie us together like the 2 of Rivers in the Shining Tribe Tarot Deck? Mysteries continue to abound.
Journal: 22 February 2000
Hero’s Homework: Paint the Drum
I get to have wings
Call is Sexual Union
Unity within the marriage
Call from the Drum – primitive, primeval
“Oh shit!” is always the first step.
Feather is growing out of the womb not the yoni. Yoni isn’t really drawn.[Hierogamos]