Green Egg Blooming
This is the 3 of Water in Lane's Greenwitch Tarot:
Ah! The adventure of living with a new level of your emotions and intuitions. Weird (originally meaning “witchy”)things can happen. An elk (looking more like a slug) with nasturtiums draped on his antlers (you had to be there). Granny Greenwitch looking very aboriginal, Stellar’s Jay with a gift, and a green goddess flying above. In the distance is Neahkahnie Mountain - sacred to the ancestors and current denizens of this place. Is that a dragon surrounding our budding Greenwitch splayed in the womb sensing, directing and connecting it all?!
What do you see when you look with new eyes? What adventures are you in the midst of? Can you allow random messengers to have meaning? Can you use it as grist for new perceptions and creations? Greet it all with a light heart as much as you can. Nasturtium Essence can help this opening process along.
Journal 3/7/04 from Alberto Villaldo:
East – Eagle flight to the Sun and journey back home to create/exercise one’s vision in context of one’s life and work. A fitting description of the “Green Egg”Blooming painting
Journal 6/24/04 – Interesting that there are no words written at the time for the ”Green Egg Blooming" painting. I came across it this morning looking for community related paintings. It is one though it is probably more properly in the Green Egg collection. But it makes me realize that the 2nd Hero’s course in 2000 was as much about being in community as it was about myself and my sexuality and relationship with Tom. The place supports my journey. Always. Because it is in service to itself via community/tribe. It has called me/us here. There was work to be done. There will always be work to be done. And I must be in my true self – in touch with my true self – fully grown from the seed – in order to be able to do it.